“What bothers me most is losing color, which I can still see some, but not with the subtlety I could before..”
~ Nicole Rubio

Welcome to my studio shop.

My books celebrate my art and my travels. They make a perfect gift and will look great on your coffee table.


To me, drawing feels safer than talking. As far as I can tell, humans have two layers of insecurity. The first layer is the one you inherit from your family, that you’re not as good as other people for whatever reason.  

Art books can be purchased at BLURB – Store LINK


I found so much inspiration in New York jewelry designer Gabrielle Sanchez’s work. Qualities co-existed like subtle and restrained with juicy and imaginative. Every time acquired a piece of her jewelry, my creativity bubbled up and I had to write about it.

Jewelry books can be purchased at BLURB – Store LINK


In traveling, I was looking for the aesthetic essence of each culture, the shapes, colors, rhythms. I kept a written journal and photographed small details as they spoke to me. I believe the small details tell the stories, not the grand monuments and churches. 

Travel books can be purchased at BLURB – Store LINK